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For the very first time...

So, here it is. I am going to tell it like it is or was...I am no longer a virgin. Now that I have your attention, I know several of you are gasping for breath and maybe even feeling like I've let you down, but the truth can sometimes hurt. But in my case, it felt glorious! No, I am not going to regale you with stories of my wedding night (shut-up) but instead tell you about yesterday. Yesterday I had my very first massage session with a man and you know what, I am in love. His hands, his man hands, well let me tell you first about his fingers, they were divine, long and warm and strong! I am not going to lie, I was a little apprehensive at first. I mean these creamy white thighs have not seen the light of day in a long time, yet alone having been rubbed down by a perfect stranger of the opposite sex. I felt like I was dating again...Would he like me? Would he think I was cute? Would he try to sneak a "feel"? But I guess dating is much like riding a bike, you just get right back on it and go. I felt a lot like I think my single girl friends must feel like when getting back out there. A little insecure, a little jiggly (OK. A lot jiggly) but a new sense of freedom. Freedom that says, " I don't give a damn", just rub me. Yeah, it was quite liberating, with my eyes closed and the soft music playing in the background I could almost hear him breathing. Then when he started to lift my leg and I offered assistance, because I know how much those legs weigh, he softly said, "it is OK, relax, I've got you". OK. Talk about foreplay, "I've got you" as I collapsed on the table, he may have wished later that he hadn't turned down my offer of help as rolling me over was no easy task as I lie blissfully dead on the table.

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