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I tried to sleep in this morning, I really tried! Just couldn't do it, so I got up and put on the Today show and because it was only 26 degrees out (this is Florida?) I managed to snuggle back into my fabulous 500 thread count sheets surrounded by huge goose down pillows and I actually managed to doze back off. At some point I think I was somewhere between slipping on the grocery store floor, yeah, and of all places, in the ice cream isle, go figure. You know one of those, "sleep jerks"? Where you are floating off blissfully and then you slip in your dream and that "jerks" you awake? Come on, don't act like that doesn't happen to you too! I actually enjoy the little "sleep jerks", don't ask me why I do, but I always give a little chuckle when it happens to me and Oh boy, don't get me started if I see someone else do it. I used to see that happen in church. You'd see the guy ahead of you, his big head slowly sinking and then all of a sudden- JERK! Now that gives me a great big belly laugh and when in church, not the most appropriate of times! Anyhow, here it was, really cold outside of my comfort zone and I give a big jerk and come to. I hear in the background Meredith Vieira talking to this lady that took off a year of her life to basically follow Oprah's every bit of advice for the entire year AND then she wrote herself a little book about it, WWOD? For crying out loud! First we have the girl named Julie bake herself into a Beef Bourguigon and come out the other side with a movie- starring Meryl Streep and now this!

So now I have a dilemma, I have to pick someone with some celebrity status and mirror them for the year, so that I can get my book going. Who to pick...hum? I am thinking Tiger Woods is out and Charlie Sheen, well I can just see myself saying, "What would Charlie do"? Drink the entire fifth before or after he dons the handcuffs? Nah, I gotta get me someone better...Maybe Michele Obama, now that might get me the attention of the Secret Service and I have to say, because I will never achieve her upper arm strength, no. I need someone who spends a great deal of their time lunching and relaxing at the spa. Someone who thinks a chilled glass or two of sauvignon blanc at noon is the southern form of ice tea. But at the same time, I need someone who is not afraid to dirty their fingertips with a little orange Cheeto dust and someone who knows that Chik Fil-A is best eaten in the car. I need to follow the lead of a woman who knows that when you get a special little "something" at Publix, it is OK to stuff it into your purse when the bag boy is loading your groceries into your trunk. Yes, I need to channel someone who understands the despair you feel when the bag of Cameo cookies slips just outside of your reach and into the backseat. I need someone who knows that the weight loss drug Alli is poison and that Jenny is not their friend. I have to admit, it has taken me most of the morning, but I have come to the conclusion, I need someone like ME. So I guess it is back to the old drawing board again! Oh, and don't worry, the screen version of my story is not coming to any theaters near you anytime soon!

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